Founded in 1878 was originally called "City Cemetery" would later be referred to as "Old Cemetery" and now "Boothill" due to all all those "who died with their boots on."
Row 1
Rodriguez Petron - Stabbed
Unknown - Found in abandoned mine 1882. He was found at the bottom of a 60-foot shaft of the Minute Mine.He was well-dressed, indicating
he was not a miner. No identification of any kind.
Pat Byrne - 1882 Pneumonia
Eva Waters - Age 3 Months. Scarlet Fever
Florentino - Murdered, 1882 Florentino was found dead with several bullet holes in his body. Also know as Indian Charlie.
Van Houten - Murdered, 1879 He was beaten in the face with a stone until he died. Trouble was over his mining claim, which he had not recorded.
Tom Waters - Shot, 1880 He was the father of Eva Waters and likely the T.J. Waters shot over the color of his shirt.
Chas Helm - Shot 1882 Shot by Wm. McCauley. Two hot-tempered ranchers, who disagreed over the best way to drive cattle, fast or slow.
Jonathaon Barton - 1881
Louis Daves - 1882
Halderman Bros. - Hanged November 16, 1900
Thos. Gregory - 1882 Small son of Thos. Gregory, who died of meningitis.
Holo Lucero - 1882 Killed by Indians.
Peter Smith - Killed 1882 Smith age 23, a native of Germany, was struck on the back of his head with a poker and
killed by Thos. Donald (or Doland) during a fight.
Mrs. H.C. Smith - 1882
Jasper Von - Shot 1882
Row 2
Old Man Clanton - He with several other men, was ambushed on a cattle drive by Mexicans. All but one man were killed.
Billy Clanton, Tom McLaury, Frank McLaury - Murdered on the streets of Tombstone, 1881 Tragic results of the O.K. Corral battle, which tool place between the Earp Brother with "Doc" Holliday and the cowboys. Three men were killed and three were wounded.
James Hickey - Shot by Wm. Clayborne 1881 He was shot in the left temple by Clayborne for his over-insistence that they drink together.
Dennis Cassidine - Killed 1879
John Hicks - 1879 Hicks was shot by Jeremiah McCormick, superintendent of the Lucky Cuss Mine. A saloon brawl.
Frank Bowles - 1880 His horse became frightened and threw him off. This caused a rifle to discharge and badly injured his knee. He lay in camp for several weeks without medical attention and when friends took him to a doctor for amputation it was too late. (This information was given by his daughter.)
Thos. Morgan - 1880
Jos. Wetsell - Killed 1882 He was stoned to death by Apaches. His friends were not far away, and it thought the Indians wanted to avoid attracting their attention
by shooting him.
A. Deloach - 1882
Margarita - Stabbed by Gold Dollar Two dance hall girls quarreling over a man and Gold Dollar won.
WM. Clayborne - 1882 Shot by Frank Leslie Clayborne while drinking, sought to settle real or fancied wrong with Leslie. This took place in front of the Oriental
Saloon, where Leslie tended bar.
Dick Toby - Shot by Sheriff Behan
Verone Gray - Suicide
Jerry Sullivan - 1881
Dan Dowd, Red Sample, Tex Howard, Bill Delaney, Dan Kelley - Legally Ganged, March 8 1884. These men were found guilty of killing several people during the robbery of a store in Bisbee. They were all hanged on the same scaffold in the Court House Yard.
Row 3
John Beather - 1881 Hanged
Two Cowboys - Drowned
John King - 1881 Suicide by strychnine
Ernest Brodines - Murdered in 1882 A miner, native of Germany, was found dead in his cabin with four bullet wounds in his body. Suspected of the killing his partner, with whom he had been quarreling and who had now disappeared.
Teamster - 1881 Killed by Apaches
J.D. McDermott - Killed 1882 His spinal column was fractured when his horse fell with him while crossing the San Pedro River.
Judge C. Lindley - 1882 Chas. Lindley, in his younger years, was one of the ablest members of the bar in California. His health was impaired by overwork and he died in Tombstone in September, 1882.
John Martin - Killed 1882 He was killed while working on the Huachuca water line. A tested pipe was unplugged and a blast of water hurled a jack against his chest. He was a native of England.
Rook. - Shot by a Chinaman This occurred in front of Yaple's store on Fremont Street, now Wagon Wheel inn.
Jos. Manada - 1882
Freddie Fuss - 1882 A small boy who died from drinking stagnant or poison mine water.
Mrs. R. L. Brown - 1882 Proprietress of a hotel, and died a natural death (information from friends of family.)
Eliz. Billings - 1886
Francis Southy - 1881
John Heath - Lynched Taken from county jail and lynched by Bisbee mob, Feb.22, 1884. He was called the leader of the five men who were legally hanged and was said to have planned the robbery. He was hanged from a telephone pole a short distance west of the Court House.
Row 4
Miles Sweeney - Murdered 1880
John Mackenzie - 1881
Thos. Cowan - Age 11 months 1881 Diphtheria. (From an old Resident.)
May Doody - 1881 Diphtheria (From an old Resident.)
John Gibson - 1881 Gibson, a driver for Nadeau's ore teams, fell from a wagon and his skull was crushed when a wheel of the heavy wagon ran over his head.
W. C. Bennett - 1882 native of England, he died of heart trouble and was buried by Knights of Pythias Lodge.
Thos. Kearney - Killed 1882 Kearney and Simon Constantine were blow up by a blast.
Hilly Hickson - 1882 It was said that death never took a holiday in Tombstone. On this day, Hilly, a school boy, fell while walking on a pair of stilts and injured his back. He seemed only slightly injured, by next morning he died suddenly with a spasm.
C. O. Ridgeway - 1882 His team of horses and wagon were found on a road leading out Tombstone. Investigation showed "Old Man Ridgeway" to be lying dead v in the wagon.
H. B. Cook - 1882
Pat lynch - 1883
Mrs. R. B. Campbell - 1882 Wife of restaurant owner of the name. She died very suddenly of severe stomach cramps and spasms. Suspected poisoning.
Malcolm Campbell - 1882 A kindly, devout Christian man who died of pneumonia.
Bobby Jackson - 1882 - Frank Hart
Frank Serroux - Shot over his mining claim.
Mrs. Stump - 1884 She died in childbirth from an overdose of chloroform given to her by the doctor. (This information given by her family.)
Row 5
WM. Summers - 1882 He was a teamster for James Carr and was found dead from a blow on the back which broke two ribs and ruptured the liver.
Mead. - Sudden Death 1881 Mead was a blacksmith for Sandy Bob's stables and was found dead early one morning in the rear seat of one of the coaches.
M. E. Kellogg - 1882 Died a natural death.
Seymour Dye -1882 Killed by Indians Dye, aged 35, and Harry Curry were wood cutters. This day they were bringing in a load of hay, when they were shot by Indians who after their victims had fallen from the wagon dragged them for 150 feet.
Geo. Johnson - Hanged by Mistake Johnson innocently bought a stolen horse and suffered the consequences.
John Gillespie - 1882 He was one of the officers sent to arrest Billy Grounds and Zwing Hunt, suspected killers of M. R. Peel. He died instantly when Hunt shot him in the dead.
M. R. Peel - 1882 A young mining engineer, who was shot one night in his office as he worked late. Suspicion fell on Zwing Hunt and Billy Grounds.
Billy Kinsman - 1883 He was shot by a woman much older than he who was jealously in love with him. (information given by his niece.)
George Fryer - 1881
WM. Alexander - 1880 An old prospector who was fatally injured when a blast went off prematurely.
Red River Tom - Shot by Ormsby
Alfred Packrel - 1882 English, he was a young miner, aged 24, who died from inflammation of the bowels.
Deron - Shot by Slaughter Deron was shot when Slaughter sought to arrest him for his part in a train robbery.
Ben Scott - 1883 - Al Bennett - Teamsters that were amused by Indians.
WM. Grounds - 1882 Died of Wounds He was shot in the face with a shotgun by on of the officers sent to question him in a connection with the murder of M. R. Peel.
Hans Christianson - 1891
Christina B. Christianson - 1892
Delia William - 1881 Suicide Colored proprietress of a lodging house on Toughnut Street. Suicide by taking arsenic.
Row 6
Minnie Dowe - 1881
M. McAllister - 1882 "Happy Jack" had suffered a lung injury when he was shot in a fight over a piece of land. he was sent to Tombstone to recover but died of the the old injury. (Information by grandson.)
Alfred Cantrell - Shot 1881 "Old man" Cantrell was murdered by a man named Brown, who later hanged for his crime.
Joseph Ziegler - Murdered 1882 Ziegler, age 27, was shot one night through the left breast and lived only a few minutes. He and Ed Williams, who shot him, were
miners and had been quarreling while working that day. The murder tool place behind the ice house, near the corner of Toughnut and Fifth Street.
Ben Olleney, Shot by Chacon
WM. Carpenter - 1881 This grave was located by his son who said his father had been the first Baptist minister in Tombstone. Death caused by nephritis.
Simon Constantine - Killed 1882 He and Thos. Kearney were blown up by a blast.
Charley Storms - Shot by Luke Short 1880 Guns blazed again as these two gambling men met. Storms was shot in front of the Oriental Saloon, where Short dealt cards.
Rosenthal - 1881
Douglas Lilly - Killed 1881 Lilly, a driver for the Sycamore Water Co., was thrown from the wagon, trampled by the houses and died instantly when the wagon ran over his head.
Dtinging Lizard - Shot by Cherokee Hall
Marshal Fred White - Shot by Curly Bill 1880 He was accidentally shot as he started to take Curly Bill's gun. This took place on the lot where the Bird Cage Theater now stands.
Helentina Kohler - 1882
Latham Kohler - 1884
Ralph Kohler - 1882
M. McCarty - Shot 1882 A miner who was shot by a man named Poplin.
Unknown - Murdered 1884
Lester Moore - Here lies Lester Moore,
Four slugs from a .44,
No Les, no more.
Moore was a Wells Fargo agent at Naco and had a dispute with a man over a package. Both died. (Information from an old resident.)
Harry Curry - Killed by Indians 1882 he was killed with Seymour Dye while hauling hay.
Daniel Owyer - Drowned 1881
Kansas Kid - A cowboy killed in a stampede.
Thos. Fitzhugh - 1882 He was sound dead one morning in the water closet back of Mrs. king's lodging house on Toughnut Street, where he roomed.
M. Lopez - 1880 A closed room and charcoal fumes.
Row 7
Indian Bill
Jim Riley - Murdered 1881
3-Dingered jack Dunlap - Shot by Jeff Milton Dunlap, one of the band of train robbers, attempted to rob an express car which Milton guarded. He was critically wounded and his friends left him to die. He was found and brought to Tombstone, where he lived long enough to inform on his friends.
Dutch Annie - 1883 Sometime called Queen of the Red Light District
Peter Crawley - Killed 1881
Jos. Thomas - Shot 1881- He was a teamster for Shearer's Lumber wagons and was found with four bullet wounds in his body. Indian Joe, another teamster, was believed to have killed him, as both teams were found abandoned by the roadside.
James Tulley - Killed 1881 Tulley was a miner employed by the Grand Central Mining Co. To avoid being crushed as the cage shot upward toward the timbers overhead, Tulley jumped and fell 250 feet to the bottom of the shaft.
Kelleen - Shot by Frank Leslie 1880 Results of a disagreement over Killeen's wife. Leslie married the widow.
McNemony - Shot 1882
Glenn Will - 1953
John Gibbon - 1882 With Malvina Lopez "he climbed the golden stairs on the fumes from a pan of charcoal." ( From the files of Lester G. Baker, one-time editor of the Tombstone Epitaph.)
Ormsby - Shot
Cowboy Bill King - Shot by Burt Alvord
John Wickstrum - 1882 A Swede who was killed when a well he was digging caved in. (Information from an old resident.)
Six-Shooter Jim - Shot by Burt Alvord 1885
Unknown - 1887
Row 8
WM. Whitehill - Shot 1878
Jack King - Shot by Cherokee Hall
George Whitcher - 1882 A miner, who was killed when a cable broke hurling the cage to the bottom of the shaft.
James McMartin - 1881 Consumption
Guadalupe Robles - Robles, who gave shelter to some robbers (one of whom was his brother), was shot when the officers came to arrest them.
Bronacho Charlet - Shot by Ormsby
G. Renacco - Killed 1882 He fell head first from a cliff
Pesquira - Killed 1881
Geo. Atkins - 1888
Hancock - Shot 1879 Shot by John Ringo when he made a disparaging remark about some women.
Johnnie Wilson - Shot by king Two gunmen's discussion of the fastest way to draw. ended here.
Row 9
Steve Brammer - 1882
Mrs. Pring - Suicide 1881 While her husband was away trying to sell mining shared, Mrs. Pring, who lived on Toughnut Street, took a large does of hydrate chloral.
S. McFarland - 1882
J. Gardiner - Shot 1882 He was shot by Kellogg, Two saloon men were also indicted for this killing.
Brady Bros. - 1883 These boys were drowned while swimming in the San Pedro River. One died in a vain attempt to save his brother. Ages 11 and 12 years.
Geo. Russell - 1882 An efficient foreman of the Epitaph, who died while being operated on the cancer of the stomach.
Foo Kee - He owned a grocery store here and died from ptomaine poisoning.
Archie McBride - 1882 Proprietor of the Grand Hotel until he died in May of consumption.
Johnnie Blair - Died of Smallpox and a cowboy threw a rope over his feet and dragged him to his grave.
Weiners Anton - 1882
Raymond Verra - Stabbed 1882
Chas. Gadela - 1882
Mike Noonan - Killed by Indians A lone rancher who was shot when he went out to chop wood. (information from relatives.)
Ed Bancroft - 1882
Chink Smiley - Shot 1884
Sing Wan
Tong Kee
Quong Kee - Quong, who ran the Can Can Restaurant in the 1880's, was first buried in the pauper's grave. His friends had his body moved and laid to rest in Boothill beside the friends he knew in life.
Mrs. Ah Lum - Born in China and buried in Boothill in 1906. She had great influence among the Chinese residents here. Some believed she had Tong affiliation in China.
Hop Lung
Row 10
Row 11
Emmett Nunnelley - 1946 With the of the townspeople, he spent the last year of his life seeking to restore, as much as could be restored, this old cemetery. It was his request to rest here.
Geo. Hand. - Killed by Indians
Two Chinese - Died of Leprosy
John Swain Slaughter - 1945 Old John was nearly 100 years old when he died. He came here in 1879 with John Slaughter family, and spent his life in and around Tombstone.
Research has shown the following to be burried in some of the many unknown graves.
Mrs. Stewart - 1880 This information given by her son and also by people who attended her funeral. Sad to be the first woman buried in the cemetery.
Sam Harris - 1889 Age 1 year, 4 days. Buried in the old Jewish plot.
John Holly - 1880 Keeper of Rural Dining Hall.
Kettlewell - Child of Mr. Lizzie Kettlewell. (Information from Jean Nuttall, who as a child, would go with the mother to put flowers on the grave.)
WM. Bobier - 1881 He and his partner disagreed over a cock fight with a tragic result.
Mr. Huggins - 1882 He was burned to death in Tombstone when a hotel burned in 1882. (Information from his niece.)
John Talliday - 1881 Shot by Harper, who hanged for the crime.
Thos. Harper - Hanged 1881 Harper was hanged for shooting Talliday in a quarrel over money. The evening before he was, Harper wrote a ling letter to his friend Curly Bill, admonishing him never to be provoked into shooting a man. "I shot a man, " he wrote, "and after tomorrow I will be no more." he was hanged in the old jail house yard.
Rose Campion - 1882 Death was caused by stillborn birth. (This information was given by her son.)
Robertson - Two infant sons of S. C. and Alice Robertson are buried in this cemetery. (Information given by their oldest sister.)
John White - 1882
Mitchell - 1880
Agnes Kenney - 1878 Age 1 year. The baby was given calomel by the doctor. After eating an orange, she became salivated and died.
Records show the below are buried here.
Campbell - 1883 Suicide
Dr. McLoon - 1883
Stanifor - 1883 Suicide Stage Driver
Contreras - 1883 Murdered
J. D. Dernitt - 1881 Fell to his death in a mine shaft.
Gadelia - 1881