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Exploring the Historic Insights of George Whitwell Parsons' Diary Entry on February 18, 1880


Updated: Aug 3, 2024

Wind blew over us right well tonight or last night rather. No floor to house – so slept on ground and rats ran about us all night making great racket. Long time before they could be forgotten. Walked to town with Mr. Stanley this A.M. and saw my first monument “meaning notice of location.” Simple pile of stones underneath one of which was the notice of location giving boundaries. Pleasant walk. About 2,000 people claimed for Tombstone. Very lively camp. Fine broad street. Good restaurants. Good square meal four bits. Very encouraging indeed. Money here. Looked at Contention and Tough Nut in distance. Did no visiting. Kept shady all of us today. Good time at house tonight, which by the way, is in Richmond, a place started by the Lewis with expectation of bringing water to the place from a spring or body of water of theirs’s. Water furnished at 3 cents per gallon now. Water at the mins worth a while ago 10 cents per gal. Six Shooters part of a man’s dress here. Stage late tonight. Mail communication bad. Regular mail ever other day via Wachita by buckboard 35 miles distant. Stages carry one’s mail at 5 cents per letter to Tucson. Saw Schieffelin, original discoverer of Tombstone, today. Rough looking customer. Wrote Thurston upon the San Juan matter today written me by Father and wrote Father what I wrote T. May be something in this for me.


                                                                                           George Whitwell Parsons

                                                                                              February 18, 1880

 Credit: A Tenderfoot in Tombstone. The Private Journal of George Whitwell Parsons



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