If it was a new firearm, cartridges, cutlery, locksmith, or even a sewing machine, one of the most well-known shops in Tombstone was Spangenberg Gun Shop. George F. Spangenberg proprietor established the shop in 1880. The original location was on 4th street between Allen and Fremont. This gun shop also has an interesting connection to the day of the infamous gunfight.

On October 25, 1881, a day before the “The Gun Fight at the O.K. Coral,” Ike Clanton and Doc Holliday had a confrontation at the Alhambra saloon. Holliday ended up calling Ike a liar and “a son of a bitch of a cowboy.” Wyatt and Morgan also happened to be eating at the saloon when the argument broke out. Wyatt asked Morgan to walk over to break up. Morgan was able to separate the two and pulled Doc away, escorting him back to Fly’s Boarding House where he was staying with “Big Nose” Kate.
Ike also left the Alhambra and walked on over to the Occidental Saloon where he joined in a late-night poker game with Virgil Earp, Tom McLaury, and Johnny Behan.
Throughout the night, Ike threatened Holliday at the poker table until Virgil who had enough and warned him that he did not want to hear any more of that talk and to go

home. Virgil also proceeded to head home after the stern warning he had just giving Ike. The game poker game ended in the early morning of October 26th.
Ike feeling insulted by Virgil’s warning, proceeded to retrieve his colt and Winchester. Ike instead of just going home decided to walk through town armed which started to gain attention. Ike proceeded to tell people he was looking for Holliday and the Earps. When the news reached the Earps, Virgil was asleep at home and awoken by the messenger and Wyatt was at the Oriental Saloon. Virgil got up and went to find Morgan. After finding him, they went on the search for Ike. They eventually found Ike on 4th Street and quickly went up from behind surprising Ike. Virgil grabbing Ike’s rifle. Witness stated that Ike reached for his pistol and Virgil pistol-whipped Ike dropping him to his knees.
Virgil then escorted Ike to face the Judge for violating city ordinance of carrying a firearm within city limits and threating a peace officer. As they waited for judge Wallace, Wyatt got news of the arrest and walked over to the courthouse. After arriving a stare-down between Ike and Wyatt started, the tension felt throughout the room. Wyatt no longer able to contain his anger within, started yelling insults at Ike returned the insults back to Wyatt.
Wyatt who could not stand the sight of Ike anymore, walked out of the courtroom still angry bumped into Tom McLaury as he was about to reach the door of the courthouse. Wyatt clearly upset asked McLaury if he was armed. He replied he was not and added an insult. Wyatt pistol-whipped McLaury over the head dropping him to the ground bleeding from the blow. A witness during the Inquest of the gunfight that would take place later that day, testified he had heard Wyatt say “I would kill the son of a bitch” as he walked away leaving McLaury on the ground.
Ike Clanton was fined by Judge Wallace $25.00 for violating the firearm ordinance and was released.
Around 1:00, Tom’s brother, Frank, along with Billy Clanton, arrived in town by horseback to finish some business. They headed towards Dexter Livery & Feed Stables across from the O.K. Corral to put up their horses to rest. Billy Claiborne quickly ran up to them and informed them of the morning’s events. Frank McLaury and Billy Clanton wanted to find Tom and Ike and get them out of town. They continued to head towards the stables when Ike appeared and told his brother Billy to hitch the team up and they would soon leave as he continued to walk down 4th Street towards Fremont. Frank and Billy instead of hitching the team decided to follow Ike by foot as they lead their horses. They followed him into Spangenberg Gun Shop.
This caught the eye of Wyatt who went to investigate. As he neared the gun shop, Frank’s horse unintended, walked on the boardwalk and was in the doorway of the shop. No doubt trying to follow his owner. Wyatt grabbed the horse by his bit and demanded McLaury remove his horse from the boardwalk and McLaury complied.
Wyatt would later testify during the gunfight trial that he had seen Ike adding cartridges to his gun belt and his colt.
Ike, Billy, and Frank left the gun shop walking passed Virgil who got word from Bob Hatch who as a friend and owner of Campbell & Hatch Saloon of what was happening with Wyatt, and he may need some assistance.
Months of tension between the Earps and Cowboys also with the events that took place in the mid-morning would lead to the most famous gunfight in old west history, “The Gun Fight at the O.K. Coral.”
Unfortunately, the Spangenberg Gun Shop was destroyed by the fire of May 26, 1882.